What we treat at Lotus Chiropractic Care
Conditions we treat
The neck is made of the 7 bones of the spine and held in position by ligaments and muscle to support the head. The neck is very mobile to allow us to see in all directions which also makes it vulnerable to injury. Trauma, incorrect posture and osteoarthritis are the most common reasons for neck pain we see in our office.
Trauma: Sports injury, car accident (whiplash), fall
Poor posture: Sitting at the desk for long hours, sleeping in an awkward position (wry neck), slouching when driving, tablet and smart phone use
Osteoarthritis: Overuse (“wear and tear”), previous injury, years of poor posture.
First, we have to determine the cause (or source) of pain. Pain can arise from muscle strain, joint sprain, worn joints, nerve compression or something else. By asking questions and carrying out a thorough examination we will be able to determine the best therapy moving forward.
Although osteoarthritis is irreversible – meaning the degenerative changes that have already occurred cannot be undone, we can manage the symptoms of pain and stiffness quite effectively with chiropractic treatment.
Treatment can include joint manipulation/mobilisation, soft tissue therapy, stretches and exercise advice. We will spend time teaching you the dos and don’ts to help manage your problem and prevent further injury. For more information see “Our Services” tab.
There are hundreds of different types of headaches. Headaches are classified in to two types; primary which occur on their own, and secondary which occur as a result of another health problem. Secondary headaches are commonly cause by sinusitis, dental pain, high blood pressure, dehydration, and medication side effects etc. There are of course more serious causes for headaches and if the pain is severe, you should seek medical advice immediately.
The most common types of primary headaches are tension-type headaches, migraines headaches, cervicogenic headaches and cluster headaches. These can be present as a mild, dull ache, severe throbbing or tight pressure band around the head and also affect your scalp, neck and jaw.
Your chiropractic will be able to diagnose your headache type. It is helpful to note your symptoms by keeping a headache diary. You should record the number of days you have the headache, the duration of the headache, the severity of pain and if you feel any other symptoms with the headache. Medications such as paracetamol, codeine, ibuprofen can help provide temporary relief of the pain but do not address the root cause.
Research suggest regular chiropractic care is effective in the treatment of primary headaches. Misalignments of the spine, poor posture, stress and muscle tension can cause recurring headache. Chiropractic treatment and advice can help to resolve these issues. For more information see “Our Services” tab.
There are things you can modify in your lifestyle to help prevent headaches from coming on. Each person will have different triggers and over time you should be able to identify yours. Try making these changes:
Reduce stress – meditate
Improve posture
Reduce screen time
Improve sleep habits
Avoid foods you may be allergic to
The lower back comprises of bones called vertebrae. Vertebrae stacked on top of one another like blocks with a disc in between each which act as shock absorbing cushions. The vertebrae have small joints known as facet joints which provide stability to each vertebral level. Ligaments provide support and muscles provide flexibility. The spinal cord runs from the brain down through the centre of the vertebral column. The last lumbar vertebra joins to the sacrum which forms part of the pelvis. All these structures have complex interconnections and injury to any part can cause pain.
Lower back pain is a general term, not a diagnosis. It is the no.1 reason for time off work in Australia. It is important to know what is causing the pain in order to correctly treat the problem. Although back pain is common, it is not “normal” to live in pain. Pain is the way the body communicates that there is an issue.
Common causes of lower back pain include:
Joint dysfunction: facet joint or sacroiliac joints
Arthritis: degenerative (osteo) or inflammatory (ankylosis, rheumatoid, psoriatic)
Neurological issues: nerve impingement (secondary to disc bulge/herniation)
Muscle or tendon strain
Treatment can include joint manipulation/mobilisation, soft tissue therapy, stretches and exercise advice. We will spend time teaching you the dos and don’ts to help manage your problem and prevent further injury. For more information see “Our Services” tab.
Ways to manage back pain:
Chiropractic treatment – we see and treat these conditions every day in our office and are confident we can help you
Improve posture – be mindful of how to sit to watch tv or drive, be aware of your sleep position
Strengthening core (abdominal) muscles – this will provide stability and support of your lower back
Lose excess weight – reducing strain on your back and other joints such as hips, knees and ankles
Exercise – proven to relieve stress, reduce weight, improve heart health, strengthen joints
*There are other more serious causes of back pain e.g., fracture, cancer, referral pain from organs. If you are experiencing severe pain or have back pain with other symptoms it is important to seek professional help.
Sciatica refers to pain that originates from the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs from the lumbar spinal levels (the lower back), in to the buttock, to the thigh, down the leg and into the toes. Compression of the nerve is what causes pain, numbness or tingling in the affected leg which is what we call “sciatica”. The nerve can be compressed by the structures of the vertebral unit (joints, disc, muscles). Once we determine the source of pain, we can successfully treat the problem.
The vertebrae in the spine are separated by sponge-like discs. The outer part of the disc known as the annulus is tough while the inner nucleus is soft like jelly. The disc act as a shock absorber cushioning our joints during normal movement. A single trauma such as an accident or strain can cause the disc to tear. The inner jelly is pushed out of the outer annulus into the spinal canal. The floating material in the narrow spinal canal can cause severe pain in the back and in the legs as it puts pressure on nerves. Disc protrusions can also occur over time as a degenerative process. When the spine is not in correct posture it creates abnormal pressure on the disc, over years causing disc bulging, protrusion or herniation.
Disc herniation symptoms include pain, weakness and numbness or tingling down the arms or legs. MRI is the most common imaging for this condition as it provides the most detail. X-ray and CT scans may also be useful in ruling out other problems.
Chiropractic treatment can help alleviate the symptoms of pain. Depending on the extent of your condition chiropractic care may prevent or delay the need for surgery.
When the spine is not in correct posture it creates abnormal pressure on the disc, vertebral joints and facet joints. Over time this “wear and tear” or “ageing” degenerative change results in decreased disc height, bone spurring and cartilage break down which causes inflammation and pain.
Degenerative disc disease, facet joint arthropathy, and cervical spondylosis are all names for osteoarthritis of the spine.
As these changes are irreversible, it is important to learn how to best manage the syptoms of pain and stiffness. Along with treatment of gentle chiropractic techniques and soft tissue therapy, your chiropractor will advise you on how to modify the activities you enjoy without having to give them up. Don’t choose to live with the pain, choose to do something about it!
The pelvis is made of up of the two hip bones called the ilium with a sacrum bone in the centre. This joining on each side is known as a sacroiliac joint which accounts for 15-30% of lower back pain cases. Pain usually arises from too much or too little movement of the joint. It is common to feel pain here during pregnancy. Symptoms include back, hip or buttock pain which is worse when sitting, turning in bed and standing up after sitting for some time. Painful inflammation, or sacroiliitis may be associated with other inflammatory conditions such as ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis and psoriatic arthritis among others.
The coccyx is a pointy bone structure which attaches to the end of your sacrum and is the end of the spinal column. Muscles and ligaments attach to it. When you are sitting the ischial tuberosities and the coccyx bear your weight. The coccyx is generally slightly curved. The most common cause of pain in this area is from a fall, landing straight down on your buttock. Pain can also occur from prolonged sitting on a very hard surface and also from childbirth (by vaginal delivery). Issues in the sacroiliac joint can present as coccyx pain. Chiropractic manipulation is an effective form of treatment for this type of pain and should be considered before any surgical intervention. Try using a donut shaped or wedge shaped pillow to sit on and if possible decrease sitting time while the area is healing.
During the third month of pregnancy the ligaments in your body will soften to prepare your pelvis for labour and help make room for the baby. The increased weight and change in centre of gravity that happens from fifth month onwards can put biomechanical strain on joints in your spine and pelvis. Most studies estimate that 50% of pregnant women will suffer from lower back pain. Chiropractic treatment during pregnancy can be very effective in treating muscle and joint strain in a way which is safe for you and the baby.
The midback or thoracic spine comprises of 12 vertebrae. The vertebrae stacked on top of one another like blocks with a disc in between each which act as shock absorbing cushions. The vertebrae have small joints known as facet joints which provide stability to each vertebral level. Ligaments provide support and muscles provide flexibility.
Common causes of mid back pain include:
• Joint dysfunction: facet joint or costovertebral joint
• Arthritis: degenerative (osteoarthritis)
• Neurological issues: nerve impingement (secondary to disc bulge/herniation)
• Muscle or tendon strain, ligament sprain
What makes the thoracic spine unique is that the rib cage connects to it. The head of the rib connects to the corresponding vertebrae in two places to form the costovertebral and costotransverse joint.
Costovertebral joint dysfunction or sprain is often a result of repetitive movements involving the thoracic spine particularly in rotation (twisting to one side). Other causes include poor posture, trauma, hypermobility and labor work.
Symptoms include dull aching near the shoulder blade and anterior chest pain when taking deep breathes/coughing/sneezing. (Note: If you feel a crushing or squeezing pain in the chest call 000 immediately).
Joint manipulation/mobilisation and soft tissue are effective forms of treatment for this type of injury. We recommend applying ice to the area for 10 minutes every hour and sleeping on your back rather than your side along with treatment.
The shoulder is made of multiple joints. The most commonly known is the ball-and-socket joint made of the humerus bone (long arm bone), scapula (shoulder blade) and clavicle (collar bone). The tip of the shoulder is made of the acromion (part of the scapula) and clavicle to form the acromioclavicular or AC joint. The clavicle also forms a joint with the sternum (breastbone) known as the sternoclavicular joint.
These joints are held together and layered with muscle tendons and ligaments. The shoulder is the most mobile joint of the body and is able to move forward, backward and in a circular motion, making it susceptible to injury. Most shoulder injuries are caused by overhead arm activity and overuse.
We treat a range of shoulder issues including:
Rotator cuff injury
Frozen shoulder
Arthritis/bone spur
Biceps tendonitis
We understand that shoulder pain can be severe, affecting normal simple daily activities like brushing your hair and scratching your back and also your quality of sleep as you toss and turn in bed trying to get comfortable. Pain can last for months to years. After identifying the root cause whether it be joint or muscle (or something else) chiropractic treatment can help accelerate your recovery.
The elbow is a hinge joint formed by the humerus (long bone of the arm) meeting the two bones of the forearm, radius and ulna. Muscles attach across this joint to allow you to bend your arm, and muscles attach to the bones to allow for wrist and hand movement. Fracture, bursitis, osteoarthritis, sprain, muscle strain and rheumatoid arthritis can cause elbow pain. Strained or inflamed soft tissue such as muscle tendons and ligaments are the most common cause of elbow pain.
Tennis Elbow:
Also known as lateral epicondylitis, occurs on the outside of the elbow. Swelling or tear of the wrist extensor muscles which attach to this lateral epicondyle of the humerus bone. Pain can be mild to severe, even burning in nature and tender to touch. Using the wrist for any activity such as playing a sport, gardening, using a computer mouse can exacerbate the pain.
Golfers Elbow:
Also known as medial epicondylitis, occurs on the inside of the elbow. Swelling or tear of the wrist flexor muscles which attach to this medial epicondyle of the humerus bone. Activities such as golf, weight training, sports involving throwing, and racket sports can cause this type of injury. Occupations such as construction, plumbing and carpentry can also cause this type of injury.
Soft tissue therapy and dry needling are very effective forms of treatment for the above conditions.
There are a total of 27 small bones forming the wrist and hand and over 30 muscles that control the movement. Nerves, veins and arteries pass through the wrist to the hand. It goes without saying, not being able to use your wrist or hand can have a serious impact on your life. The most common causes of pain are from acute injury, arthritis and repetitive strain.
Acute injury - Falling forward onto your outstretched hand can cause ligament sprain, muscle strain or fracture. The scaphoid bone is a commonly fractured wrist bone causing pain at the base of the thumb. This particular fracture does not always show on x-ray immediately.
Arthritis- Different types of arthritis affect the wrist, hand or both. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks the lining on the joints and eventual bone erosion. One or both hands and wrists will have pain, stiffness and swelling. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative process which causes progressive deterioration of the cartilage between the finger bones. It is a slow and occurs over time from years of use and accelerates following a fracture of dislocation. Patients describe the pain as a deep aching (like that of a tooth ache) accompanied with stiffness and swelling. Bone nodules can form at the middle and end joints of the fingers.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Swelling in the wrist will cause pressure on the median nerve as is passes through the carpal tunnel. Other than pain, other symptoms include weakness, tingling and numbness in the palm and fingers (thumb, index and middle finger mainly). Often symptoms are worse at night. Repetitive use of the wrist, pregnancy, and conditions such as diabetes, thyroid conditions and arthritis are risk factors for carpal tunnel.
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis – Inflammation of the tendons and or tendon sheath on the thumb side of the wrist. Abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis are the tendons involved which control the thumb. Movements involving the wrist and thumb will be painful and sometimes sharp. New mothers experience this from holding their baby in awkward positions.
Your chiropractor will be able to determine which muscles, ligaments or joints are causing your symptoms whether they be in the wrist and hand, or from another part of the body. Referred pain from pinched nerves in the cervical spine, muscle trigger point radiating pain from the shoulder or forearm, and nerve compression from neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome can also cause wrist and hand symptoms. It is important to be assessed to find root cause of your problem and begin the correct line of treatment.
The hip is a ball-and-socket joint made of the head of the femur and acetabulum of the pelvis. Cartilage cushions the femur to prevent friction of the bone in the socket. This joint is layered with muscles, tendons and ligaments. Cartilage break down, muscle and tendon overuse, and inflammation are among the causes of hip pain. Pain can also be felt in the buttock, groin, thigh and lower back.
We treat a range of hip issues including:
- Bursitis
- Arthritis (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis)
- Hip labral (cartilage) tear
- Tendinitis
- Snapping hip
We understand that hip pain can be severe, affecting normal simple activities like going for a walk, and also your quality of sleep as you toss and turn in bed trying to get comfortable. Pain can last for months and seem to come and go until treated properly. After identifying the root cause whether it be joint or muscle (or something else) our chiropractor can determine the best treatment to help accelerate your recovery.
Pain in the leg can occur from a number of causes including muscle sprains, and tendon or ligament damage. Issues in the bone and blood circulation issues can also cause leg pain which should not be ignored.
See the “Sciatica” tab above.
Muscle cramps
Sudden intense pain and tightness in the lower leg. It can occur at night, waking you from your sleep, or in the day. Cramps are caused by dehydration, mineral and electrolyte imbalance, and muscle fatigue. Other causes can include sciatica, problem in blood flow and medications. Try stretching and massaging your legs daily, drinking enough water, keeping active and wearing correct footwear. We offer soft tissue therapy and dry needling treatment which has been effective for many patients.
Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)
The iliotibial band is a muscle with a very long tendon that connect from the outer thigh to the outer knee. This connective tissue rubs against the femur (thighbone) causing lateral thigh pain, swelling and knee pain. ITBS is common in sports players and runners. Even if you do not play sports other issues such as excessive foot pronation (foot rotates out), weak hip abductor muscles, and knee arthritis can cause a tight iliotibial band. There are variety of treatment options including soft tissue therapy, dry needling, sports taping and hip joint mobilisation.
Shin splints
Shinbone pain from knee to ankle occurring in the tibialis anterior or tibialis posterior muscle. Common in runners, dancers, people who have flat feet and wearing unsupportive shoes. Soft tissue therapy, dry needling treatment and advise on activity modification can help this issue for recurring.
Peroneal tendonitis
Irritation and inflammation of the peroneal muscle tendons resulting in pain on the outer ankle and foot. Common in runners, dancers, sports play, inactive people who suddenly start exercising and wearing unsupportive shoes. The treatment program would include soft tissue therapy, sports taping, joint mobilisation and exercise advice.
Achilles tendonitis
Pain in the lower calf from overuse of the calf muscles causing the tendon to become inflamed where it connects to the heel bone. The tendon may also tear. Common in runners and sports players. Pain in the heel and tenderness when touching the tendon are the main symptoms. Gentle stretching and soft tissue therapy treatment can help along with gastrocnemius muscle dry needling.
Dr. Ashka Mehta (Chiropractor)
Dr. Ashka has dedicated her practice to helping people achieve their highest quality of life.
The symptoms of pain and stiffness resulting from a chronic musculoskeletal condition such as arthritis, or acute injuries such as sports/work/accident injuries can be life altering and debilitating. Using evidence based chiropractic techniques, she can ease your pain and allow you to live life to the fullest.
Lotus Chiropractic Care began in Willetton in 2012 and has since expanded to multiple locations for patient convenience.
People are surprised to see that each of our clinics are located inside a medical centre. We pride ourselves on the trust we receive from your medical doctor. It's important that all health professionals involved in your care (dentists, doctors, podiatrists, chiropractors) are aware of the other treatments you are receiving and understand their importance in order to best manage your care.